Thursday, December 30, 2010

Most Interesting "Green" New Year's Resolution

New Year's Eve is a day away and a lot of us have started making resolutions for a better year already. Most famously, the resolutions are about losing weight, eating better, and exercising more.

The Berks Conservancy wants you to think outside the box this year - tell us your new year's resolution RELATED TO GOING GREEN. Submit an entry to our blog and get a chance to win one of the items from our online store. Three randomly selected entries will receive a $10.00 Gift Certificate for the Berks Conservancy Store.

Some resolutions from our staff include:
•Lorri Swan wants to start composting to reduce waste.
•Kim Lewis wants to reduce her heating bills by getting some energy efficient curtains.
•Larry Lloyd would like to share his knowledge of organic gardening and sustainability (providing your own food supply).

Contest ends on January 6th and we'll announce the winner in our next enews!

Make sure you put your first name on the post and check back next January 7th to see who won.

If you never posted a comment on a blog before, the easiest way is to type in your comment, and select "Name/URL" for your comment as selection. Just type in your first name. You don't need a URL to post.


  1. I've decided to purchase less processed foods, which leads to less packaging into my home, which is less to be recycled. It's more wholesome for the family too!
    We've also decided to add a container garden this spring (in a rental - can't do the yard).

  2. In 2011 I hope to start a recycling program at the two places I work. I will also continue to "go green" everyday.

  3. That sounds like a good idea. I am going to try to start a recycling program at my gym. It saddens me to throw away trash and see plastic water bottles.

  4. In addition to the green changes I made to my lifestyle after losing my job last April, I am adding a rain bucket, local plants & compost container to my green living.

    I made it through the holidays buying no wrap/bags (only using newspaper/boxes we already owned!), but will continue this trend & not purchase any when possible!

    Lastly, we have not used any disposable items at home (such as plates, utensils, cups, plastic bags, paper towels, etc) & am trying to influence as many others to do so too! The savings at the supermarket are enough to make anyone want to change their habits!

  5. I'm going to start to ask for only coins when I recieve change, thus using less paper and less trees.

  6. I'm going to try to find less energy intensive forms of transportation for some of my weekly travels. I plan to increase my walking and biking. This will be good for me, my wallet, and the environment!

  7. did I post correctly?

  8. The Alvernia Environmental Club would like to better enlighten the entire campus about how we can help our environment right here in our community and in our every day lives.

  9. We have a water cooler in our karate school. We suggest that students bring their own water bottle instead of using paper cups.

  10. This comming year, we are gong to turn or back yard into a widlife habitat by using all natural, eco friendly ways. Our garden will start in a greenhouse inside, created with peat pots, making them easy to transplant into their designated areas outside. Our new and improved compost pile will be fertilizer will be plant nutrients. I can not wait for fresh veggies! The flowers we will plant will bring in butterflies and bees for pollination. Sunflowers were abundant last year, this year will be even better. Rain water from our rain barrel will provide a health drink for those growing seeds. Our woods will consist of brush habitat for small game, we have aquired our neighbors holiday trees for proper placement in the woods. We also froze corn from last year for the animals. I love nature photography, so this will be amazing. Enjoying time with your family does not have to consist of a 2 hour car ride, paying huge amounts for theme park tickets, and spending 3 hrs in line for a ride that lasts a minute. Waking up to wildlife in your back yard, and reaping the benefits of home grown produce is money saved and family earned.

  11. I plan on finding ways to make recycling fun and educational for my 2 year old daughter, I'm hoping this includes a worm farm for uneaten food!

  12. This year I want to plant my own vegetables.

  13. Will install a second rain barrel and hopefully a third. Will use reel lawn mower more often rather than gas mower.

  14. I am "greening" my children's packed lunches. We already used refillable drink containers, but are now using washable sandwich boxes instead of plastic bags and making our own jello/pudding snacks in small refillable containers. We also include our own utensils. They appreciate the fact that we are helping the earth and are proud to be a small part of the plan!
