Thursday, December 30, 2010

Most Interesting "Green" New Year's Resolution

New Year's Eve is a day away and a lot of us have started making resolutions for a better year already. Most famously, the resolutions are about losing weight, eating better, and exercising more.

The Berks Conservancy wants you to think outside the box this year - tell us your new year's resolution RELATED TO GOING GREEN. Submit an entry to our blog and get a chance to win one of the items from our online store. Three randomly selected entries will receive a $10.00 Gift Certificate for the Berks Conservancy Store.

Some resolutions from our staff include:
•Lorri Swan wants to start composting to reduce waste.
•Kim Lewis wants to reduce her heating bills by getting some energy efficient curtains.
•Larry Lloyd would like to share his knowledge of organic gardening and sustainability (providing your own food supply).

Contest ends on January 6th and we'll announce the winner in our next enews!

Make sure you put your first name on the post and check back next January 7th to see who won.

If you never posted a comment on a blog before, the easiest way is to type in your comment, and select "Name/URL" for your comment as selection. Just type in your first name. You don't need a URL to post.